The chicken gizzards bought in the supermarket have been pre-processed, but it is best to check whether there is any oil and yellow skin that has not been removed. Then slice them and soak them in baking soda for 20 minutes to make them more tender. Add onion, ginger and cooking wine, bring to a boil and blanch, remove any foam, wash and set aside.

Saute the shredded ginger, add the chicken gizzards, add salt and cooking wine and stir-fry, microwave the frozen cauliflower for 3 minutes, add it to the pot and stir-fry together water, remove and drain.

Heat the oil with minced garlic, spicy millet, minced garlic and pickled pepper sauce (or fresh pickled pepper), and scallions (white garlic) Section) Stir-fry the chicken gizzards and cauliflower until fragrant, add light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, oyster sauce and pepper. Sprinkle green onions or garlic sprouts before serving.